Today’s Russia under Putin
23. Mai 2023 - Anton Voglmaier in Allgemein | 1 Kommentar »
If you want to get a comprehensive picture of today’s Russia under Putin, you should watch the following YouTube video in which Jonathan Fink has compiled a summary of many of his conversations with various interlocutors over the past 15 months on the subject of Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine.
Rating: well worth watching.
GUESTS: Ben Hodges, Fiona Hill, Vlad Vexler, Anna Danylchuk, Mark Galeotti, Robin Horsfall, Julia Davis, lan Garner, Yuri Felshtinsky, David Satter, Timothy Ash and Jessikka Aro.
Ein politisch spannendes Wochenende liegt hinter uns.
Das Thema Liquidität dürfte die kommenden Monate an Fahrt gewinnen…spannend!
Nebenbei bemerkt geht es in Europa im Eiltempo wirtschaftlich abwärts.